Monday, 16 January 2012

Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 4S

iOS hacker pod2g has updated his blog with a new video demonstration of an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0.1 with an untethered jailbreak. The video was filmed by iOS developer and Chronic Dev Team member Dustin Howett (@dhowett), who proves that Siri is still functional, Cydia is present, and that the jailbreak continues to work even after rebooting the handset. Best of all, it’s coming very soon…

While Sunday didn’t turn out to be a “Funday,” pod2g stated in his latest blog post that there is “only a few [days] to wait now” until this untethered jailbreak is publicly released. A group of iOS hackers known as the “dream team” have been working on pod2g’s untethered jailbreak method for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 devices running iOS 5.0.1. The same untethered exploit was already released for all other iOS devices in December.

[Pod2g's iOS Blog]


  1. A new video demo of the iPhone 4G running IOS hacker pod2g updated his blog, and unrestricted escape iOS5.0.1.

    Jailbreak iOS 5

  2. iOS hacker pod2g has updated his blog with a new video demonstration of an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0.1 with an untethered jailbreak. The video was filmed by iOS developer and Chronic Dev Team member Dustin Howett (@dhowett), who proves that Siri is still functional, Cydia is present, and that the jailbreak continues to work even after rebooting the handset. Best of all, it’s coming very soon…

    safe jailbreak iphone4s
